Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Yes you have heard right the heavy weight lover has passed at age 44. I was riding home today and on the radio the announcement came through declaring that he has passed. I was at a loss of words because I never seen that coming at all. Reports say that the rapper was having trouble breathing and a resident called 911.  The hospital has not found a cause of death yet. I know this is so sad because Heavy really touched the game while he was here. He was the heavy weight lover who danced his heart out and gave you hot lyrics to bump to. He will be missed. Here is an old time favorite of mine from Heavy.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


In the words of the great Rakim " It's Been a long time, I shouldn't have left you , without some hot news to bless you". Well the last part was all me , but that is how I'm feeling at this time. I know many are wondering where the hell I been but I have been brewing on how I can make this Blog bigger and better for you to enjoy. This is a section of my blog to where I want to talk to you from my heart and this section is called a  ROUND TABLE THOUGHT . Today's thought is Jonosroundtable. When I first started this blog I wanted it to be about music industry news and much more , but I felt I need to stay in my own lane and to talk about what I know through and through , not just something I heard or read. I figured why not talk about the local music scene right here in my backyard. I mean Raleigh, NC to me is a slept on state as far as music goes and there is a lot of talent in these here streets. Many may not know this about me but I used to rap and write songs awhile back. I used to go to the open mics and perform with my  partner in rhyme Al Chauncy and see hungry up and coming artist go for what they know and that was music. I want to shine a light on these guys because they are all diamonds in the ruff.  The energy that I used to feel by going to these events was so raw that you immediately got drawn in and became a fan. This blog will walk into the journey of these inspiring artist and get the inside scoop on their motivations of creating their craft. I will still provide the industry news and hot topics but my main focus is my city and the hip hop world in it.

I also have my Thirsty Throwback Thursday and Inspirational Sunday days. Thirsty throw back Thursday is a day where I take it back to when music was good and post something  hot from the Golden Years of Music. Now many will argue that there is only one golden era but since I'm getting older I have created my own. I don't know about you but I'm still stuck in the 1990's area of music and I will pull from there. I love the 80's and all , but something about the 90's just had that edge. It was a time to where the music actually meant something and it was more than drugs, hoes , violence.  The 90's to me made  you laugh,  cry , dance, love , etc. I do not get that same feeling from music today. The Thirsty part of Thursday is where I showcase a certain brand of beverage. I know , WHAT!!!! but I want to open some minds to the people that drink. I have certain rules when it comes to drinking and the first thing first is to never drink bottom self. You will regret it in the morning. My second rule is to never drink any liquor that makes numerous flavors because that isn't good either. 

Inspirational Sundays. I know after reading the first part you are probably thinking that this fool is out of his mind. Don't judge me. I love the lord and I'm grateful that I am alive and able to have something to write  about. On this day I will have a song that I feel will represent my day . Kind of like an anthem for Sundays.

There are many parts of me that few understand and I know there will be many who don't get my blog or what I want to display. Entertainment is in the eye of the beholder and I intend on shining light on what I feel is entertainment. Somethings I post may or may not be for you. All I ask is that you open your minds and hearts and feel what a brother is talking about. To conclude this ROUND TABLE thought I chose a song that I feel solidifies this moment and its called" I Know you got Soul" by Eric B and Rakim.