Sunday, February 3, 2013


Last night the Queen B aka Beyonce had a point to prove. And boy did I tell you she proved that she is an all around entertainer. If you have been paying attention, Beyonce has been giving the beat down by critics saying that she lip singed at the Inarguation for President Obama. Critics went as far as wanting to impeach our president, saying that he has painted a black cloud over America because of the pop star.

Recently Beyonce admitted that yes she did use a pre-recorded track , but the Queen had something in store and that was the Super Bowl press conference. Beyonce got up on that stage and showed the crowd who was who and what was what. She reding the national anthem as only she could. She shined with glare, she proved that the voice was still there. The kicker though was when she finished she asked the crowd" Now anymore Questions?"

I thought that was a great move because anyone who knows her, knows she can sing straight up with no chaser.

Now the Super Bowl was a whole new meaning of how to entertain America. She came onto the stage and ripped through melodies such as Crazy In Love, Single Ladies, End Of Time. Destiny Child even reunited. I was happy that they came together at such a frat moment. However I was not impressed with Mixhelle. It seemed to me that honey child's mike was off.

Overall though, Beyonce came, she saw and most importantly she conquered that stage demanding that she gets the proper respect as an all around entertainer and singer. So with that being said I would like to say Beyonce , you did your thing boo. Thank you for being you and setting the stage on fire for America. The funny thing was that afterwards the lights went out. Can we say that Beyonce has officially shit the bowl down? Lol
