Sunday, March 2, 2014

Update on my whereabouts

What's up ROUNDTABLE!!!!

        I know that it has been awhile since we have talked, but I just wanted to let my followers know that I haven't forgotten you all. Lately, I've just been dealing with the cards that life has dealt me. You know how that is right? I mean life at times can be so hard, but what I've learned to do is keep pushing. 
       Since 2014 started I've been thinking of ways to finally get the damn blog off the ground. I've been dealing with Roundtable for a couple of years now and it seems like it's never going to be what I want it to be. I want Roundtable to be more than the entertainment gossip collimating. I want it to be more of a lifestyle if anything. This blog is supposed to be a reflection of me so that you can not only check out the hottest shit, but you can get a glimpse into my life. The thing is I want everything really soon and fast. But like fine wine , it takes time to make a better product. 
       On top of trying to better the blog , I've decided to stop smoking cigarettes . If you know me then you know that whenever you see me I always had a black or a Newport hanging out of my mouth. I honestly don't remember when I started but I hate that I did because smoking constantly is expensive as hell. Plus most importantly it's bad for my health. Since I love the sensation of smoking so much I chose another route to get that same feeling and that route was E Cigs. For those that don't know, E Cigs are the alternative of smoking without the affects of second hand smoking, no ash , and no smoking the different mix that goes into a real cig. Once I decided to quit, I started filming my reactions without cigarettes and the out come is beginning to look so bright . I breathe a little better,  I sleep better and I definetly smell better . 

          With all of that I've been bustin my ass trying to make ends meet and take care of home. So life at this point has put a block on Jonosroundtable. For those that still follow , I promise to do better.