Now if you are like me on Sundays , I'm sure that you caught the first part of the RHOA on Bravo last night. I must say that even though many will say that this show is stupid , you have to admit that the shit is entertaining. Everyone wants to see who is going to fight, play nice or say some of the craziest shit that the world has ever heard. First things first the cast was divided with the smalls on the right and the talls on the left. The smalls include Phadera Parks, Kim Zodiak and Sharee Whitfeild. Kandi Burress ( formerly of my favorite RNB group Xscape) is also a small but she clearly got the short end of the stick by having to sit with the talls. The talls include Nene Leakes and Cynthia Bailey. The show started off as everyone talking about their life on the show , but it soon turned into what everyone came to see in the first place and that is drama. Nene was the ring leader of the shots fired because she seemed to have a word for everyone on the damn panel. One thing that really got me about Nene is the fact that she gloats so hard about her bank status with saying that she is RICH BITCH!!! Mmmmm right. Yea I'm not that convinced. I don't want to sound like a hater but from where boo boo? Sure you were on the Donald Trump show and you starred in a couple of sitcoms , but yets be real America she has a sponser. That one white guy that keeps buying here gifts is the one that is carrying this chick. This is my opinion. Sharee was hitting below the belt as usual and playing the victim card about how Phaedra didn't properly handle her case for child support. Now I watched the show when she tried to retain Phae and I don't see how Phaedra did her wrong. You kinda paid her late Sharee , and Phaedra won't move until she get her money and I get that. Shit I wouldn't move either if I didn't have my money in my hand. One thing that I didn't like about the Sharee part is her shots at Nenes parenting skills on how her son was caught stealing in Walmart. Now Nene son is stupid as fuck , but from parent to parent he shouldn't have been brought into the conflict between Nene and Sharee. In my opinion I feel that Sharee is barely making it above water. Like what do you do for a living boo? Its almost like she needs this show to survive. Cmon you are building a fucking mansion yet you are stressing over child support money. Seems to me that you don't need it that much. Cynthia is.....a none muthaf..... factor. She is a follower and seems to have no direction. On the reuinon she continued to do her favorite thing and that is to play both sides. She just seems to not have a back bone and that is sad. I was truly happy for Kim and Kandi. They seemed to be less drama orientated than the rest. Kandi talked about her new bedroom candy. I hated that Nene had to hate on Kandi because she doesn't want to know about sex toys. Like Kandi said , you did use to be a stripper so why act holier than thou mama ? Everyone knows you still a freak so why try to play nice in front of the camera? Kim is still Kim. This season seemed to be less of her because of the baby and her new husband. Shit if I was you Kim , I would just stick with my family and enjoy myself. I wouldn't sit on television and have yelling matches with the likes of chicks like Nene. In closing I felt that the part one of the reunion was just the tip of the ice berg with more bullshit to follow. I'm sure that Nene will have more hate and more things to brag about , so yall stay tuned for this HAM of a show.