Thursday, January 16, 2014


What's up America. So tonight is the premier of the SWV REUNITED series. To be honest I'm kind of yay and nah about this. The nay side is like  why? I mean I understand that they have been gone forever , but do we really want to see this. I mean come on they are not TLC. If they were going to do a reunion of some sorts why not bring Envouge back, cause lawd knows Ms. Dawn will never make it to solo stardom. Two groups failed and you still ain't popped yet? The yay side is like ok they did have some hits like" I'm so into you, Weak, Right Here. I also wanna know why they broke up. With that being said I'm up and down about it. It could be a good thing or a bad thing. Hopefully they will come off as a group that is rising back to stardom like a Phoenix. So like you I will rune in and see where tge hell they have been. You can tune in tonight for tge premiere on WE.

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