Friday, September 14, 2012

#Roundtable Thought-Keke Wyatt vs Mariah Carey

Hey Roundtable this is a ruff cut of my argument/debate with Pops about Keke Wyatt vs Mariah Carey. You be the judgee

#Roundtable Thought- Politics

Heres my Roundtable Thought for today. Today's topic is Politics

Thursday, September 13, 2012

On the box now

Friends and Seasons are One and the Same

This is one of those blogs that you tend to vent to get your point across. Friends and Seasons is about how some people come and at times leave out of your life. It's sad really how some relationships tend to fall apart over foolery, fuckery, mid communication that it's hard to pin point if they are even worthy of staying in your life. Here's a question, why should one wait until the war comes when there is a fall out among comrades? You would probably say because there is love there . That may be the case but if it's making you sick to your stomach when a fall out resurfaces , then it's time to move on. No one should have to experience that type of pressure. This is where seasons come in. Now I'm the type of person that once your in my life I will have love for you forever. Having this mentality is a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because being that loyal whether that person is right or wrong will always show that you are ride or die. It's a curse because sometimes other people will take that kindness for a weakness and use that against you. They feel like they can say or do anything to you and expect you to take it because you are Mr nice guy or girl. My biggest flaw is keeping people in my life that no longer have value to me mentally as a person. I tend to sweep so much under the rug, that I'm blinded by what was. How we used to be. Someone once told me , that no matter how hard you try you can't keep people in your life. It's impossible. So the question I have is why should I pretend like everything is peace and hair grease? Why should I try to rekindle this season? To be honest it's like beating a dead horse , because no one has time to sit and wonder. I'm at a stage in my life now , that I feel it's important to protect myself and not get involved with people that cause me strain, pain and insufficient feelings. I guess what I'm trying to say us no longer will I try to mend situations that are beyond repair. No longer will I bite my tongue while you proceed to display your truth. No longer will I hold on to seasons that in the long run are going to blow away. With that being said cherish those that are I. Your like to build you up. Drop those that hold you back from reaching your goals.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kanye West? Kim K 's 3 Ways.....

Damn Ye, he's done it again. Actually this one is pretty funny. It was reported that the hip hop star used to watched Kim Kardashian's infamous sex tape before he had sex with other girls. Seems to me he wanted to make sure his pipe game was on point just in case he ever got the chance to actually bed the reality star. The one person that is soooo outraged about this is Kim's mom Kris. She is so furious with Ye and she has been letting him know that this is so unacceptable and to stop bringing up the past. My take on that is shiit your little baby girl made her claim to fame by getting dicked down by Brandy's little brother. DEAL WITH IT!!!! Kanye on the other had was true to form and even put the past encounter on his song "Clique" by saying :
Eat breakfast at Gucci/My girls a superstar all from a home movie.....

Nice. Kim ain't said shit because Kanye is in the elite baby, plus she know she a video hoe first and foremost. Owwwwww


President Obama Responds to Nicki Minaj

Recently rapper Nicki Minaj was catching a lot of heat due to her verse on Lil Wayne's Mercy track to where she said that she will endorse Obamas opponent Romney. The president brushed the shit off by saying that the rapper likes to play characters and that he doesn't think that she was serious about it. Now if you know Nicki, she is going to say some dumb shit to get the world talking and everybody played into her plan. Come on America! Do we honestly think that she would jump out the window and actually support that Hitler look a like? Nicki responded on Twitter by thanking the president for getting her sense of humor. I don't think that the verse was funny but I more or less think that it was dumb as hell. Like really isn't there so much more to talk about instead of stupidity? As a lover of real hip hop , this is a prime example that real lyrics are dying .