Tuesday, September 11, 2012

President Obama Responds to Nicki Minaj

Recently rapper Nicki Minaj was catching a lot of heat due to her verse on Lil Wayne's Mercy track to where she said that she will endorse Obamas opponent Romney. The president brushed the shit off by saying that the rapper likes to play characters and that he doesn't think that she was serious about it. Now if you know Nicki, she is going to say some dumb shit to get the world talking and everybody played into her plan. Come on America! Do we honestly think that she would jump out the window and actually support that Hitler look a like? Nicki responded on Twitter by thanking the president for getting her sense of humor. I don't think that the verse was funny but I more or less think that it was dumb as hell. Like really isn't there so much more to talk about instead of stupidity? As a lover of real hip hop , this is a prime example that real lyrics are dying .

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