Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Why Hasn't Kelly Rowland Blown Yet?

A couple of days ago I was speaking with a customer about RnB sensation Kelly Rowland and my question was " Why hasn't she blown up yet"?

Now I have been a big fan of Destinys Child and I loved them together, but it seems that no one besides Beyonce has blown up. Why is that? I mean she has a good voice right?

Well here is what I think. I think that Kelly is still stuck in the DC mode. Now she makes good music but it always one hit wonders. I just don't get it.

Many say that she lacks star quality and that she doesn't have that it factor. Like what separates her from other RnB chicks that aren't on the same level as say a Beyonce? That's a hard question to answer because I don't have one.

What Kelly needs to do is break down those layers and do the unexpected. She needs to real out of that good girl attitude and blow people away. I mean the least Kelly could do is be more like her husband and help her friend out. I know she has to see her struggling and everything.

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