Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year Vision

Dear Roundtable,

First and foremost I owe all of you an apology for being gone so long. My mind hasn't been focused on the blog and it is a shame, but I promise that I'm going to do better. Please forgive me.

Now 2013 is here America!!! It's a new year and if you are like me , then you have probably set a couple of goals to reach. This year however, I didn't make a resolution. I only wanted to be one thing this year and that is to be CREATIVE.

This one term alone tackles everything that I stand for. I feel by me saying that I want to be Creative for 2013 , sets the bar that the possibilities are endless. If you know me well enough then you know that I love art, books, music, food and liquor. I plan to be creative in all these categories this year.

I recently rediscovered my love for Art. If you've been keeping up , then you know that I have been working on my Roundtable Kreations.( check the flask pic) I've started a couple of projects such as customized comic shoes, and crafty coffee mugs. It's so much fun dabbling back in this world because it takes me far away to where no matters but the project.

My blog is the next creative project and that is to finally get that off the ground for your viewing pleasure. That means a .COM rather than a . More #Roundtable Thoughts , and getting out into the city more . Fresh interviews, enertainment news, #Roundtable Xculsives and much more.

I'm currently looking for a good hosting source, and I have narrowed it down to two. My goal is to have my website developed and viral by April 10, 2013.

So with that being said there is slot to do , yet it's only going to allow me to be one thing and that is ...BE CREATIVE!!!!!

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