Saturday, September 13, 2014

Chicken n Walffles , Durham NC

Anybody that knows me knows that I do not venture into Durham County, but tonight I made a decision to try the night life in the great bull city. Some friends and I went to a restaurant called " Dame's Chicken n Waffles ". When we first got there ,  I was really excited to try the great combination. I mean I love me some chicken, and I am very find of waffles. The question that conquered my mind was "Are they really that good together?"

After what seemed like an hour wait.", we were finally seated. The decor in the restaurant was ok , but it gave you a homey feeling which I assume they were Iming for. I ordered four wings a side of Mac and cheese , and a waffle drizzled with a whiskey creams sauce with a peach and apricot schmear. 

When the food came I was at a loss for words. The presentation alone was so powerful that I foresaw this meal deafeating my taste. Need to say I was right because every bite  set my taste buds on fire. This meal made not only my tongue happy , but also my belly. I left the establishment feeling very sTisfied and very fulfilled.  Here's a picture of my meal . If you are in Durham, NC I highly recommend this place. It's worth every penny. 

This Mac and Cheese America changed my life. I've never tastes such light and flavorful mac and cheese . 

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