Saturday, May 26, 2012


Close your mouth and stop drooling on your keyboards.  The movie that many have been waiting for is coming really soon and clothes will be shed hunty.  Magic Mike stars Matthew Mcconaughey , Channing Tatum, Mark Bomer, Joe Manganiello.  The story is about a male stripper (Tatum) and how he is dealing with his life as a dancer and how he wants to get out of the game.  The movie is supposed to be funny and sexxy.  Hmmmm well it seems that they have the sexy part down for sure.  If you watched Joe on True Blood you already know what he brings to the table.  Channing is going to dance his ass off.  Matthew Mcconaughey is going to look hot as always.  Im not that familiar with Mark Bomer so I did some reasearch on him.  Mark is an openly gay actor who is the star of the hit show White Collar.  I wonder how he really felt being so close the the rest of the hotties on stage. Hmmmm, okay.LOL. It was also reported that before Channing got his deal as an actor, he was indeed a male stripper.  Tatum says that Magic Mike is not an auto bio picture, but thre are some comparisons of his former lifestyle. I always wondered how he moved so good during Step Up.LOL.  Needless to say when I go and check this out ,  I will be going for the eye candy , but hopefully the movie will be deeper than that.  So ladies and gents if you want to see some hot eye candy hit your theaters on June 29.  Check the trailer below.


So it seems that the Queen B is back and ready to take the world by force yet again.  This weekend Beyonce planned a two week preparation to open the Revel Casino Hotel with a series of 4 performances.  When I first heard this I was thinking , wait didn't she have a baby?  I know most mothers that have kids usually take breaks with no thoughts of making a return.  Not Beyonce though.  Shes going back in hard and I must say that maybe this is a good thing.  The ladies of the RnB aren't putting in that much work these days so Im thinking that Beyonce taking notes from her hubby to keep going hard in the game until the wheels fall off.  Shit Jay and B are going to be performing at the ages of 95 if they keep this rate up.  Welcome back Beyonce because the game needs you.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Im just going to totally be honest and say that I wasn't going to write a blog today, but when I read this article I had to put my two cents in. With Barack Obama supporting gay marriages another unlikely voice is speaking out in support and that voice comes from the King Of Hip- Hop himself, Jay-Z.  When I first read the article I had to do a double take because I couldn't believe it at first. I mean come on , a Marcy General supporting gay marriage? With that being said I read on and I actually agree with Hova because this whole trying to ban same sex marriages is discrimination . Look what Jay had to say below.....

It's no different than discriminating against blacks. It's discrimination plain and simple...I think [announcing support of gay marriage is] the right thing to do, so whether it costs [Obama] votes or not — again, it's not about votes. It's about people. It's the right thing to do as a human being.

This is sooooo HUGE!!!!! people. How many rappers you know will come out and say that they support a cause like this and still remain relevant in this game? Not many , and to be honest all it takes is just one person to speak out and the rest will follow. I just hope that the world in general can rise above the bullshit and realize that trying to tell someone who they can and can not love is harmful and is only going to hold us back from furthering our future. There are more issues in the world that needs to be dealt with rather than worrying about who is sleeping with who. I'm just glad that it was my favorite rapper of all time to take the first stand. I guess the question now is , who will be next?

To watch the video of the Jay-z click below

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Usually on My Roundtable thought I would use this time to talk about upcoming events, but this time something is weighing heavy on my heart that just had to be talked about.  Today was the vote for AMENDMENT ONE.  If you have been living under a rock, you would know that they are trying to ban same sex marriages from happening in our state of North Carolina.  The end result was that they have cast their votes and the public has declared that they do in fact want to ban same sex marriages.  I feel that the people of this state has made a grave mistake because, the people that voted FOR amendmant one think that they are safe.  They think that their so called sacred marriage is safe.  I hate to bust yalls bubble, but you are not safe because the goverment is going to just continue to add more discrimination to the constitution.  The people that voted FOR are uneducated because this amendment affects all people.  That includes domestic partnerships and legal unions.  This means that unmarried couples will have no rights.  If you have kids and you are not married,  there is a chance that your rights for seeing your child could be out of the window.  If you are in a will of some sort, there is another chance that you will not be recognized if you were never married to that person.  This boils me because I feel that this shit is not cool and I wish that people would have gotten over the whole same sex marriage.  Who gives a fuck if we want to marry each other?  Why is it such a big issue? The truth is that there isn't one.  How can marriage be so sacred , when everytime that you turn around there is a divorce because the situation didn't work out?  I hope that they put in the constitution that you can no longer get a divorce.  How would you feel if that happened to you and you were in a dying marriage?  You would probally feel trapped.  I want you to feel that pain.  Feel that sense of having nowhere to go, because it is in the law that you can't get divorced.  Another thing is the whole not having responsibility of taking care of their kids because they are unmarried.  I'm sure there are alot of baby daddies out there that are loving the fact that since they were not married, that they can now keep their money in their pocket and walk away.  To all the baby mothers out there that are not married, how does this make you feel that there may be a chance that you will be raising this child alone with no assistance?  Sucks huh? Well for those that voted FOR , you got what you wanted. EAT THAT SHIT!!!  There is so much more to this amendment that I could type foever, but I won't.    Don't come crying to me because your marriage is suffering, or you didn't get your check, or you were left out of the will.  I don't want to hear it.  I have no sympathy for you , so please keep it moving.  FUCK WHY DOES THIS STATE HAVE TO BE SUCH IDIOTS?????.  I have never felt more unwanted in my life.  There is no chance that I will ever be married due to some uneducated muthafuckers.  With that being said I will not pour anymore energy into this things because it is what it is.  You wanted discrimination on the ballot to win and you got it. One day people will stand on whats right and run as fast as they can from anything that is discrimination.  I have lost my faith in people more so now than ever.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Yesterday Beastie Boys founder/memeber Adam Yauch, died yesterday at the age of 47 from cancer.  It was diagnosed with a tumor in his salivary gland and lymph node.  It was said that he has been battling cancer for at least 3years.  The hip hop game has lost another legend and he will be missed , because there is no group like the Beastie Boys. May he rest in peace.