Saturday, May 26, 2012


Close your mouth and stop drooling on your keyboards.  The movie that many have been waiting for is coming really soon and clothes will be shed hunty.  Magic Mike stars Matthew Mcconaughey , Channing Tatum, Mark Bomer, Joe Manganiello.  The story is about a male stripper (Tatum) and how he is dealing with his life as a dancer and how he wants to get out of the game.  The movie is supposed to be funny and sexxy.  Hmmmm well it seems that they have the sexy part down for sure.  If you watched Joe on True Blood you already know what he brings to the table.  Channing is going to dance his ass off.  Matthew Mcconaughey is going to look hot as always.  Im not that familiar with Mark Bomer so I did some reasearch on him.  Mark is an openly gay actor who is the star of the hit show White Collar.  I wonder how he really felt being so close the the rest of the hotties on stage. Hmmmm, okay.LOL. It was also reported that before Channing got his deal as an actor, he was indeed a male stripper.  Tatum says that Magic Mike is not an auto bio picture, but thre are some comparisons of his former lifestyle. I always wondered how he moved so good during Step Up.LOL.  Needless to say when I go and check this out ,  I will be going for the eye candy , but hopefully the movie will be deeper than that.  So ladies and gents if you want to see some hot eye candy hit your theaters on June 29.  Check the trailer below.

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