Saturday, May 26, 2012


So it seems that the Queen B is back and ready to take the world by force yet again.  This weekend Beyonce planned a two week preparation to open the Revel Casino Hotel with a series of 4 performances.  When I first heard this I was thinking , wait didn't she have a baby?  I know most mothers that have kids usually take breaks with no thoughts of making a return.  Not Beyonce though.  Shes going back in hard and I must say that maybe this is a good thing.  The ladies of the RnB aren't putting in that much work these days so Im thinking that Beyonce taking notes from her hubby to keep going hard in the game until the wheels fall off.  Shit Jay and B are going to be performing at the ages of 95 if they keep this rate up.  Welcome back Beyonce because the game needs you.

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