Saturday, September 13, 2014

Chicken n Walffles , Durham NC

Anybody that knows me knows that I do not venture into Durham County, but tonight I made a decision to try the night life in the great bull city. Some friends and I went to a restaurant called " Dame's Chicken n Waffles ". When we first got there ,  I was really excited to try the great combination. I mean I love me some chicken, and I am very find of waffles. The question that conquered my mind was "Are they really that good together?"

After what seemed like an hour wait.", we were finally seated. The decor in the restaurant was ok , but it gave you a homey feeling which I assume they were Iming for. I ordered four wings a side of Mac and cheese , and a waffle drizzled with a whiskey creams sauce with a peach and apricot schmear. 

When the food came I was at a loss for words. The presentation alone was so powerful that I foresaw this meal deafeating my taste. Need to say I was right because every bite  set my taste buds on fire. This meal made not only my tongue happy , but also my belly. I left the establishment feeling very sTisfied and very fulfilled.  Here's a picture of my meal . If you are in Durham, NC I highly recommend this place. It's worth every penny. 

This Mac and Cheese America changed my life. I've never tastes such light and flavorful mac and cheese . 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Lil Kim -Hardcore Mixtape dropping at 9:11

With only an  3 hours away, fans world wide are waiting for the return of the Queen B Lil Kim. I am an respectable Kim fan , but one has to ask  "Is this album needed"?. The reason I ask this is because her last mixtape in my opinion was a poor representation of her legacy. I felt the "Black Friday" lacked energy and all her bars were mediocre . Instead of stickng to the script and reminding her fans who she was, she chose to focus all her energy on Nicki Minaj. 

We all know how Kim feels about her rival, but did we need an entire mixtape of disses? The answer to thT question is no we did not. Since this mixtape is dropping tonight at 9:11, I hope she has some great material that sets the bar as high as she did when she first came in the game. 

So if you are a Kim fan make sure that you log on to to get the mixtape. I'm not sure if it is free , but I know that I will get my copy. I will review the album and share my views on a Roundtable Thought. Peace in the hood, stop the violence!!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Update on my whereabouts

What's up ROUNDTABLE!!!!

        I know that it has been awhile since we have talked, but I just wanted to let my followers know that I haven't forgotten you all. Lately, I've just been dealing with the cards that life has dealt me. You know how that is right? I mean life at times can be so hard, but what I've learned to do is keep pushing. 
       Since 2014 started I've been thinking of ways to finally get the damn blog off the ground. I've been dealing with Roundtable for a couple of years now and it seems like it's never going to be what I want it to be. I want Roundtable to be more than the entertainment gossip collimating. I want it to be more of a lifestyle if anything. This blog is supposed to be a reflection of me so that you can not only check out the hottest shit, but you can get a glimpse into my life. The thing is I want everything really soon and fast. But like fine wine , it takes time to make a better product. 
       On top of trying to better the blog , I've decided to stop smoking cigarettes . If you know me then you know that whenever you see me I always had a black or a Newport hanging out of my mouth. I honestly don't remember when I started but I hate that I did because smoking constantly is expensive as hell. Plus most importantly it's bad for my health. Since I love the sensation of smoking so much I chose another route to get that same feeling and that route was E Cigs. For those that don't know, E Cigs are the alternative of smoking without the affects of second hand smoking, no ash , and no smoking the different mix that goes into a real cig. Once I decided to quit, I started filming my reactions without cigarettes and the out come is beginning to look so bright . I breathe a little better,  I sleep better and I definetly smell better . 

          With all of that I've been bustin my ass trying to make ends meet and take care of home. So life at this point has put a block on Jonosroundtable. For those that still follow , I promise to do better. 

Friday, January 17, 2014


Shout out to Glam Tees CEO Jakki Knight for an awesome piece. I say this everytime I get someone right together. So get ya a piece America. Ting!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Today would've been Aaliyah's 35th bday. Her impact on the industry was a heavy one because she was a great singer, an awesome dancer , and also an inspiring actress. If you are a fan make sure you put you A in tge air for the songstress on this sad day


What's up America. So tonight is the premier of the SWV REUNITED series. To be honest I'm kind of yay and nah about this. The nay side is like  why? I mean I understand that they have been gone forever , but do we really want to see this. I mean come on they are not TLC. If they were going to do a reunion of some sorts why not bring Envouge back, cause lawd knows Ms. Dawn will never make it to solo stardom. Two groups failed and you still ain't popped yet? The yay side is like ok they did have some hits like" I'm so into you, Weak, Right Here. I also wanna know why they broke up. With that being said I'm up and down about it. It could be a good thing or a bad thing. Hopefully they will come off as a group that is rising back to stardom like a Phoenix. So like you I will rune in and see where tge hell they have been. You can tune in tonight for tge premiere on WE.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Uncle Phil dies at age 65

Last night on New Year's Eve uncle Phil from fresh prince TV show passed away. This is a sad day for the industry because you will be forever be missed. It was reported that he died from open heart surgery. So if you are a fan of the hit TV show fresh Prince of Bel Air make sure you get your DVDs out and watch what a great actor he was. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends and his fans. RIP uncle Phil