Monday, April 30, 2012


So it seems that the Mob Wife known as Drita Davanzo is kicking rhymes now.  I know what you are thinking , like WTF. Last night I was surfing on the net and I came upon this story envolving my favorite mob wife.  Drita is set to star in the rapper French Montana's video entitled " Everything Is A Go" video.  With this video under her belt she now has her eye set on rap.  Drita was quoted saying that she has always been a fan of music, and with her being from New York why wouldn't she catch the rap bug.  I mean honestly she already knocks bitches out, why not knock out rap bitches as well?  Here is a video of her rapping to Notorious B.I.G.'s " Warning". I have to say that her delivery was on point, even if the song is not hers.  And with that being said, it's not that many females that are rapping these days so we might as well entertain the thought of out favorite Knock Out Queen spit some bars.  Check the video out and tell me what you think

Thursday, April 26, 2012


How many of you are still down with Brandy?  Well B Rock is back with another banger called " Put It Down" featuring Chris Brown.  Looks like Brandy is channeling her alter ego " BrandNu" with the sound that she is potraying on this new record.  Listening to this makes me think that she is taking us back to that second album " Never Say Never".  I love Brandy's voice on this record.  She even spits a couple of bars. Chris Brown goes in rapping again.  Now I'm just going to jump out the window when I say this, but I think Chris Brown maybe the next Big Daddy Kane. I mean come on he raps and dance. Hmmmm  just a thought.  But seriously listen to the new joint.  She's back homie!!!!!

Oh and if yall thought I was bullshitting , Brandy goes in on the rapping too. Look out Nicki Minaj. Brandy don't do autotune hunty.LOL

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Today the queen of literature Tracy Brown returns with her second installment White Lines 2: Sunny.  I am truly excited about this coming because I already know that it is going to be a classic.  If you do not know who Tracy Brown is then I highly suggest that you get familiar.  Tracy paints perfect pictures that are so vivid that you will think that you actually lived hit.  If you haven't read the first one do yourself a favor and check it out. I promise you will be mesmerized!/mstracybrown


Here's my ROUNDTABLE thought. Im just sitting here thinking about the up coming events and I wanted to share with you all.  Once again thank you so much for checking on my page.  Continue to give me some feedback on how I can make the site bigger for you .

One Love

Monday, April 23, 2012


Sources are saying that the self proclaimed Queen of Rap is thinking about retiring after weak reviews of her second album Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded.  Now if you are like me, then you are probally thinking that she is doing all of this shit just to increase her album sales. I mean all press is good press right?   First she deleted her Twitter account because her music was leaked out, then she threatens to leave the rap game all together.  Lets be real Nicki you've been left the hip hop game when you started to drop those pop hits.  No shade but come on mama why are you crying? You still winning, you're just not like you used to be and that is okay.  You want to get that money so you are channeling your pop side to get those fans that are actually going to buy your album rather than download.  I don't see anything wrong with your album , because you are doing something instead of watching another female rapper go in . Chalk that shit up and laugh all the way to the bank.  As far as your Twitter account , I don't know why you did that but then again me and Twitter don't politic like that for me to be involved.   So with that being said this to will pass and she will remain in the game.  But the question that some are maybe asking themselves is , if she leaves will she actually be missed?

Thursday, April 19, 2012


The drama doesnt stop with this group of ladies from the RHOA.  Tonight I watched the part two of the reunion and I must say that it went just as I expected that it will go and that is full of drama.  The reunion brought back the husbands of Phaedra, Kim and Cynthia.  I think that Peter gets a bad rap for being an asshole to Cynthias sister.  First off her sister in my opinion wants Peter for herself. I mean come one , if you watched the show you could see that she was shedding tears of hate/love for this guy.  I just think that Peter is a honest guy and that to some people comes off as being ignorant. I respect his hustle because he came from nothing and is making his way like everyone else.  Apollo to me is just there.  No shade but Phaedra runs that whole situation.  Knowing Mrs. Ettique she probally wrote his damn answers to the questions.  One thing that I wished that they talked about was how Kroy felt when Apollo and Peter was acting like assholes at the baby shower.  Its so clear that the football player was pissed as all get out.  The issue with the racist issue came back in the air about Kim not going to Africa and how she wouldn't hold black babies.  Now Sharee looked dumb ass hell when the reunion showed how she clearly fucked up what Kandi didn't say.  Then she wants to look good by apologizing for messing things up.  Word to you Sharee I think that it is best if you don't talk or say anything in the near future.  You should probally stick to how the hell you going to pay for that Neverland( as Nene stated on part 1) .  The show reached a high point when the two Gold Diggers of the show Kim and Marlo exchanged words.  Now when Marlo went in on how Kim and her are cut from the same cloth then took it back saying that Kim was a whore, I had to pause.  Okay first off both of you are sack and money chasers.  The only difference now is that Kim has found love and you still getting rich dudes to pay your way through life.  I felt that Kim shouldn't have entertained Marlos foolishness.  Now when Marlo pulled a Sharee card and talked about Kim's kids , I wished Kim would have slapped the shit out of her.  I don't believe that Kim is your average white girl ( then again she didn't do much when Nene and Sharee stepped to her) but still.  Kids shouldn't even be in the discussions period.  Overall it was another episode of drama with no sight of anyone reconnecting to be friends. Stay tuned.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Now is it me or does Rihanna's song " We Found Love" comes to mind when you think of these two possible being together?  No shade but really again Kim?  I honestly don't think that she is actually looking for love but instead wants to stay in the limelight.  Now I know that I'm not the only one America feeling this way.  First it was Ray J when she made that infamous video, then it was Reggie Bush when she was saying that she hopes to get married after the Super Bowl through her tweets,  then it was Kris Humphreys.  Pause.  Im not the biggest sports man but I have never heard of the guy until Kim was messing with him.  And that fake ass wedding come on Kim we all know you did that for the check!!! Gurrrl Bye.  I mean how many mens lives do you plan on messing up all because you want to remain relevant Kim?  If you don't know by now,  Kim is the ultimate hustler.  I can't hate because mama knows how to get a dollar  Kim wears many hats from clothing to perfume to that lame excuse of reality shows and even books.  Can't hate on her for that.  I will say however it seems like theres nothing more than that to her.  I mean come on your claim to fame was a sex tape boo boo. Sure your dad had money, but no one was checking for you that hard until that tape.  Now Mr. West ( Kanye ) is going to be added to her long list of adventures for playing with mens hearts.  We all know how Ye cracks under pressure or when he feels like he is wrong. Word to Kim , if you are going to dump him just make sure that you aren't accepting any awards and make sure to leave him off that list.  Looks like if this does happen there will be another 808 Damn I Was played album by Kanye in the near future. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Now if you are like me on Sundays , I'm sure that you caught the first part of the RHOA on Bravo last night. I must say that even though many will say that this show is stupid , you have to admit that the shit is entertaining.  Everyone wants to see who is going to fight, play nice or say some of the craziest shit that the world has ever heard.  First things first the cast was divided with the smalls on the right and the talls on the left.  The smalls include Phadera Parks, Kim Zodiak and Sharee Whitfeild.  Kandi Burress ( formerly of my favorite RNB group Xscape) is also a small but she clearly got the short end of the stick by having to sit with the talls.  The talls include Nene Leakes and Cynthia Bailey.  The show started off as everyone talking about their life on the show , but it soon turned into what everyone came to see in the first place and that is drama.  Nene was the ring leader of the shots fired because she seemed to have a word for everyone on the damn panel.  One thing that really got me about Nene is the fact that she gloats so hard about her bank status with saying that she is RICH BITCH!!! Mmmmm right. Yea I'm not that convinced. I don't want to sound like a hater but from where boo boo?  Sure you were on the Donald Trump show and you starred in a couple of sitcoms , but yets be real America she has a sponser.  That one white  guy that keeps buying here gifts is the one that is carrying this chick.  This is my opinion.  Sharee was hitting below the belt as usual and playing the victim card about how Phaedra didn't properly handle her case for child support.  Now I watched the show when she tried to retain Phae and I don't see how Phaedra did her wrong.  You kinda paid her late Sharee , and Phaedra won't move until she get her money and I get that. Shit I wouldn't move either if I didn't have my money in my hand.  One thing that I didn't like about the Sharee part is her shots at Nenes  parenting skills on how her son was caught stealing in Walmart.  Now Nene son is stupid as fuck , but from parent to parent he shouldn't have been brought into the conflict between Nene and Sharee.  In my opinion I feel that Sharee is barely making it above water.  Like what do you do for a living boo?  Its almost like she needs this show to survive. Cmon you are building a fucking mansion yet you are stressing over child support money.  Seems to me that you don't need it that much.  Cynthia is.....a none muthaf..... factor.  She is a follower and seems to have no direction.  On the reuinon she continued to do  her favorite thing and that is to play both sides.  She just seems to not have a back bone and that is sad.  I was truly happy for Kim and Kandi.  They seemed to be less drama orientated  than the rest.  Kandi talked about her new bedroom candy.  I hated that Nene had to hate on Kandi because she doesn't want to know about sex toys.  Like Kandi said , you did use to be a stripper so why act holier than thou mama ?  Everyone knows you still a freak so why try to play nice in front of the camera?  Kim is still Kim.  This season seemed to be less of her because of the baby and her new husband.  Shit if I was you Kim , I would just stick with my family and enjoy myself.  I wouldn't sit on television and have yelling matches with the likes of chicks like Nene.    In closing I felt that the part one of the reunion was just the tip of the ice berg with more bullshit to follow.  I'm sure that Nene will have more hate and more things to brag about , so yall stay tuned for this HAM of a show.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Return Of Nicki Minaj with ....Pink Friday : Roman Reloaded.

As many of you know the self proclaimed Queen of Rap Nicki Minaj finally released her sophmore album " Pink Friday : Roman Reloaded.  This album is so unlike any album from her counter parts.  The first single " Starships" was a direct hit to the pop stations to lure her listeners in to her world.  I must say that I am feeling her strategy because she is not limiting herself just to one category. She is going where the money is.  On this album she explores some singing and well as taking it back to her roots with tracks such as " Champion, Beez In The Trap and Roman's Holiday. I was on the fence with this album at first because I wasn't sure of what direction she was going in and to be honest there isn't one.  The whole album is full of singles and that could work or not work in her favor.  Starships was the door opener for this album , but the following hits " Automatic " , "Whip It" and " Marilyn Monroe will definietly follow straight to the pop charts.  If you are looking for an album full of talk about sucking, sexing and etc then Pink Friday isn't for you.  This albums tone is like an adventure in  Candy Land , just full of animation.  I wouldn't go as far as to say that she set the bar high for her other peers but she is definetly in her own lane.  Many would say that Nicki has forgotten about her days as the On The Come Up status but I beg to differ.  I think that she is setting her own lane and I also believe that the comparisons of her and Lil Kim are so far gone.  On one had you can still tell that Nicki is so bitter at Kim with songs like " Stupid Hoe " and " Romans Holiday " , but she continues to deliever a pretty good album.  I honestly feel that she didn't let anyone down with this album , but she is definetly adavancing and that is a good thing.  On the album her collaborated with Chris Brown, Drake, Rick Ross, Nas, Young Jeezy and last but not least Camron.  I could have done without Camron on the album but hey I guess he needs a boost as well.  The production on the album is crazy and full of energy.  Hard hitting beats for the hard records ( which there are only 4) and then the smoothe records beats are awesome as well.  I can say that I like this album because it is caterting to all audiences. So I will have to give it 4 and a half stars.  Kuddos to Nicki for making an international record.  


Sorry that it has taken me so long to get back to you but I have been on a mission to get my blog ready for bigger and better things. I took a break because I wanted to find my lane and that lane is purely entertainment of all things.  They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I see beauty in anything that is entertainment.  If you think about it what would the world be like if we had no entertainment of any sort? No music? No shows or anything?  I just want to shed light on this because music and entertainment does make the world go around.  I want to focus on entertainment, local artist, impersonations and illusionist and even local business that I feel are entertaining.  As we speak I am currently in the process of trying to get my own URL so that this blog can be bigger and badder for you , so continue to stop by and see what is on my mind.  Once again I am sorry for leaving you .  For those that do comeby to check your boy , I would like to say thank you .  And for those that dont know what JONOSROUNDTABLE is , click the link and see what I 'm about . With that being said Imma bounce. HOLLA!!!!!

Rhianna...Okay I'm Awake Now

Okay Im going to be the first to say that I have been doing some major sleeping on the princess of Pop , Rhianna. Now when she first came out I was rocking hard with the first album " Music of the Sun" with songs like " Pon De  Replay " and " If it's loving that you want". I was thinking that maybe she is a one hit wonder , but to my surprise she just kept coming with hits. Her second album " A Girl Like Me" ,  I didn't pay that much attention even though the first single" SOS" was cute but it didn't make me want to invest to much energy. However, When " Good Girl Gone Bad" was released my eyes cracked open like wait a minute is this the same girl. That whole album was taylor made with hits that just kept going and going like the energizer bunny. Hits Like " Please Don't Stop The Music" , Umbrella", and " Hate That I Love You" just had the clubs on smash. Her third album " Rated R " sadly ,  was overshadowed by her and Chris Brown public fight. From what I gathered before actually hearing the album is that it is very dark. The first single " Russian Roulette" was talking about playing games with a gun. REALLY ....Ahh next , so I moved on from Rhianna. I felt at this particular time that she lost it. The fourth album " Loud" was fully of energy for the clubs. Every record on this album was so full of life and dance.  Songs such as " Only Girl In The World", " Raining Men feauturing Nicki Minaj were joints that made working out so much easier.  The production on this work was amazing.  But now RiRi has set the bar high with her latest effort " Talk That Talk".  I love this album so much and it made me a renewed fan for life now. I can honestly say that I am awake.  The energy is there and the club hits are so intact that you can not help but to dance in your car.  Her first single was " We Found Love" and this record set the standard of how the album would play out.  If you are a Rihanna fan then you will truly appreciate this album.  So go out and support your girl.