Thursday, April 19, 2012


The drama doesnt stop with this group of ladies from the RHOA.  Tonight I watched the part two of the reunion and I must say that it went just as I expected that it will go and that is full of drama.  The reunion brought back the husbands of Phaedra, Kim and Cynthia.  I think that Peter gets a bad rap for being an asshole to Cynthias sister.  First off her sister in my opinion wants Peter for herself. I mean come one , if you watched the show you could see that she was shedding tears of hate/love for this guy.  I just think that Peter is a honest guy and that to some people comes off as being ignorant. I respect his hustle because he came from nothing and is making his way like everyone else.  Apollo to me is just there.  No shade but Phaedra runs that whole situation.  Knowing Mrs. Ettique she probally wrote his damn answers to the questions.  One thing that I wished that they talked about was how Kroy felt when Apollo and Peter was acting like assholes at the baby shower.  Its so clear that the football player was pissed as all get out.  The issue with the racist issue came back in the air about Kim not going to Africa and how she wouldn't hold black babies.  Now Sharee looked dumb ass hell when the reunion showed how she clearly fucked up what Kandi didn't say.  Then she wants to look good by apologizing for messing things up.  Word to you Sharee I think that it is best if you don't talk or say anything in the near future.  You should probally stick to how the hell you going to pay for that Neverland( as Nene stated on part 1) .  The show reached a high point when the two Gold Diggers of the show Kim and Marlo exchanged words.  Now when Marlo went in on how Kim and her are cut from the same cloth then took it back saying that Kim was a whore, I had to pause.  Okay first off both of you are sack and money chasers.  The only difference now is that Kim has found love and you still getting rich dudes to pay your way through life.  I felt that Kim shouldn't have entertained Marlos foolishness.  Now when Marlo pulled a Sharee card and talked about Kim's kids , I wished Kim would have slapped the shit out of her.  I don't believe that Kim is your average white girl ( then again she didn't do much when Nene and Sharee stepped to her) but still.  Kids shouldn't even be in the discussions period.  Overall it was another episode of drama with no sight of anyone reconnecting to be friends. Stay tuned.

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