Monday, April 23, 2012


Sources are saying that the self proclaimed Queen of Rap is thinking about retiring after weak reviews of her second album Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded.  Now if you are like me, then you are probally thinking that she is doing all of this shit just to increase her album sales. I mean all press is good press right?   First she deleted her Twitter account because her music was leaked out, then she threatens to leave the rap game all together.  Lets be real Nicki you've been left the hip hop game when you started to drop those pop hits.  No shade but come on mama why are you crying? You still winning, you're just not like you used to be and that is okay.  You want to get that money so you are channeling your pop side to get those fans that are actually going to buy your album rather than download.  I don't see anything wrong with your album , because you are doing something instead of watching another female rapper go in . Chalk that shit up and laugh all the way to the bank.  As far as your Twitter account , I don't know why you did that but then again me and Twitter don't politic like that for me to be involved.   So with that being said this to will pass and she will remain in the game.  But the question that some are maybe asking themselves is , if she leaves will she actually be missed?

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