Saturday, June 2, 2012


Seems like the heat on whether Queen Latifah is gay or not has died down....FOR NOW. It all started when The Queen hosted a Gay and Lesbian event and the media had a freenzy when the Queen announced " I Love being around My People".  Now just because she said my people doesn't actually mean that she is gay.  For years the media has been trying to out Latifah and for what?  What are you gaining if she is or isnt gay? Queen later cleared up the rumor by saying that she isn't gay and that the first show that she ever performed at was at a gay event.  To me it just seemed that she was giving back to the people that showed her love during her come up.  I really don't care if she is or isn't because he has made great albums,movies and has built a nice career for herself. Word to the press get off her shit and talk about someone else I mean really.

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