Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Pop Icon Janet Jackson is set to film a documentary on the lives of Transgender people entitled " TRUTH "!!!  The documentary will follow Transgender people so that the viewer can walk a mile in their shoes and how they deal with day to day life.  If you know Janet, then you know that she is a person that is all about love and equality.  I wish more stars were like her and stepped to the forefront to show how other people live.  The ducumentary will shed this light in hopes that people will get a better understanding and to hopefully end some hate in this world.  I love the fact that Janet is doing this and I hope that this documentary opens more eyes in this fucked up world.  The release date has yet to be given but my ears will be to the street on this one.  Word to Janet: Thank you so much for attempting to make this world a better place. 

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