Sunday, June 17, 2012


So today is Fathers Day and I wanted to shed some light on the overlooked holiday.  I dont know what it is but the Father's don't get that much love like the Mothers do.  I get that the Mothers bare the children and get us here, but the fathers are just important. There is a saying that it takes two and with that being said we should show some love to the Fathers as well. Like if it wasnt for them we wouldn't be here today.  In my case I would like to say happy fathers day to my mom because she had to take over both responsibilities.  If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here today.  I could'vew been in those streets, but my mother chose to use a firm hand to keep me in line and each day I appreciate that to the fullest.  Each Father's day I always call her to say HAPPY FATHER'S DAY even though she isn't a man.  Shout out to the father figure that has taught me so much in this life of mine and that goes out to Pops.  He is a true inspiration on who I want to be when I grow up.  He is the epitome on how a male should hold down the fort and take care of home.  He is not only my business partner but he is my self proclaimed FATHER. So Pops , Happy Fathers Day.  I am so blessed to have you in my life and I strive to be just like you one day when I grow up. Okay enough with the mushy mushy , All the fathers please enjoy your day.  Cherish your families and know that you are needed in your families as well. 

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