Friday, November 23, 2012


For some reason I was in a Destiny Child mood last night and I decided to put in the Destiny Childs album " Destiny Fulfilled" album in. I was reminded why I loved this album so much.

Now since the group was reduced to three members the sound in my opinion was stronger than ever. When they dropped the " Survivor" album with the third new member I wasn't hook as I was until they released "Destiny Fulfilled".

Destiny Fulfilled is the last album that the group put out before they all went their separate ways for their solo careers. This album went out with a bang , because you could actually feel the individual growth of the girls.

I lived for this album because it was full of soul and cut edge beats. The songs verses were in depth and they were so thought provoking that you had no choice but to sing and dance with this album.

Bottom line this album was a classic and if the girls do decided to unite , they need to make sure that the album is equal or better than this one.

So if you haven't heard this , do yourself a favor and get it. It's some heat for that ass!!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


I just want to take the time out to say Happy Thanksgiving to all of my viewers.

Today I'm thankful for my family,partner and my beloved two dogs. I got to spend the early afternoon with my family and it is so good to see them.

When I'm with my family, it is full of love and plenty of laughter. I love see all of my cousins, aunts , grandma and my mother all in one building. Shout out to my family for making my Thanksgivings so memorable....

Monday, November 19, 2012


This video is a song that I recorded called "Dreams of Actors".  It is pretty much a spinoff of the Dreams record recorded by artist such as Notorious B.I.G. , Lil Kim and Nicki Minaj. I wanted to do the gay version of the record by displaying the actors that I have or had a crush on in the past.  Enjoy!!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Why Hasn't Kelly Rowland Blown Yet?

A couple of days ago I was speaking with a customer about RnB sensation Kelly Rowland and my question was " Why hasn't she blown up yet"?

Now I have been a big fan of Destinys Child and I loved them together, but it seems that no one besides Beyonce has blown up. Why is that? I mean she has a good voice right?

Well here is what I think. I think that Kelly is still stuck in the DC mode. Now she makes good music but it always one hit wonders. I just don't get it.

Many say that she lacks star quality and that she doesn't have that it factor. Like what separates her from other RnB chicks that aren't on the same level as say a Beyonce? That's a hard question to answer because I don't have one.

What Kelly needs to do is break down those layers and do the unexpected. She needs to real out of that good girl attitude and blow people away. I mean the least Kelly could do is be more like her husband and help her friend out. I know she has to see her struggling and everything.


So today is EMINEIM Birthday. Today he turned 40 yrs old.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Damn Nelly!! Now I know that you havent sold any albums lateley , but why have a comeback with headlines such as " Guns In The Trunk".  Reports are saying that the rapper was pulled and his tour bus was searched. In the search they found heroin, weed, and even a .45 caliber pistol. Nelly was cleared of the charges when one of his crew members took the wrap for the substances that were found on the tour bus. My thing is , I just don't get these rappers now and days. I mean you have all that money yet you tend to go back to your old ways by taking the streets with you. I really don't get it. You would think since Nelly is always hanging with his bff T.I. that he would learn his lesson. Im not hating , Im just stating.!!!! My advice to Nelly is to get back to making good music homie. Flo Rida is pulling a Nicki Minaj on that ass.LOL!!!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

#Roundtable Thought-Keke Wyatt vs Mariah Carey

Hey Roundtable this is a ruff cut of my argument/debate with Pops about Keke Wyatt vs Mariah Carey. You be the judgee

#Roundtable Thought- Politics

Heres my Roundtable Thought for today. Today's topic is Politics

Thursday, September 13, 2012

On the box now

Friends and Seasons are One and the Same

This is one of those blogs that you tend to vent to get your point across. Friends and Seasons is about how some people come and at times leave out of your life. It's sad really how some relationships tend to fall apart over foolery, fuckery, mid communication that it's hard to pin point if they are even worthy of staying in your life. Here's a question, why should one wait until the war comes when there is a fall out among comrades? You would probably say because there is love there . That may be the case but if it's making you sick to your stomach when a fall out resurfaces , then it's time to move on. No one should have to experience that type of pressure. This is where seasons come in. Now I'm the type of person that once your in my life I will have love for you forever. Having this mentality is a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because being that loyal whether that person is right or wrong will always show that you are ride or die. It's a curse because sometimes other people will take that kindness for a weakness and use that against you. They feel like they can say or do anything to you and expect you to take it because you are Mr nice guy or girl. My biggest flaw is keeping people in my life that no longer have value to me mentally as a person. I tend to sweep so much under the rug, that I'm blinded by what was. How we used to be. Someone once told me , that no matter how hard you try you can't keep people in your life. It's impossible. So the question I have is why should I pretend like everything is peace and hair grease? Why should I try to rekindle this season? To be honest it's like beating a dead horse , because no one has time to sit and wonder. I'm at a stage in my life now , that I feel it's important to protect myself and not get involved with people that cause me strain, pain and insufficient feelings. I guess what I'm trying to say us no longer will I try to mend situations that are beyond repair. No longer will I bite my tongue while you proceed to display your truth. No longer will I hold on to seasons that in the long run are going to blow away. With that being said cherish those that are I. Your like to build you up. Drop those that hold you back from reaching your goals.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kanye West? Kim K 's 3 Ways.....

Damn Ye, he's done it again. Actually this one is pretty funny. It was reported that the hip hop star used to watched Kim Kardashian's infamous sex tape before he had sex with other girls. Seems to me he wanted to make sure his pipe game was on point just in case he ever got the chance to actually bed the reality star. The one person that is soooo outraged about this is Kim's mom Kris. She is so furious with Ye and she has been letting him know that this is so unacceptable and to stop bringing up the past. My take on that is shiit your little baby girl made her claim to fame by getting dicked down by Brandy's little brother. DEAL WITH IT!!!! Kanye on the other had was true to form and even put the past encounter on his song "Clique" by saying :
Eat breakfast at Gucci/My girls a superstar all from a home movie.....

Nice. Kim ain't said shit because Kanye is in the elite baby, plus she know she a video hoe first and foremost. Owwwwww


President Obama Responds to Nicki Minaj

Recently rapper Nicki Minaj was catching a lot of heat due to her verse on Lil Wayne's Mercy track to where she said that she will endorse Obamas opponent Romney. The president brushed the shit off by saying that the rapper likes to play characters and that he doesn't think that she was serious about it. Now if you know Nicki, she is going to say some dumb shit to get the world talking and everybody played into her plan. Come on America! Do we honestly think that she would jump out the window and actually support that Hitler look a like? Nicki responded on Twitter by thanking the president for getting her sense of humor. I don't think that the verse was funny but I more or less think that it was dumb as hell. Like really isn't there so much more to talk about instead of stupidity? As a lover of real hip hop , this is a prime example that real lyrics are dying .

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Todays Roundtable Thought is about " The Viking Challenge". In this video I'm talking about my challenge that I had when I was in Myrtle Beach . To make a long story short I had to call Earl.LOL

Friday, August 3, 2012


Congragulations to Gabby Douglas for winning the Gold in last nights Olympics.  This is so huge because she is the first African-American to win this honor, yet the media is trying to rip this young girl apart and what you may ask...Her Hair.  REALLY!!! Come the fuck on America she is a damn athlete.  What would she look like with tracks in her hair, nails done and then trying to do some damn gymnastics? I think its a crap of bullshit how they will not let this girl just enjoy her victory.  Thats okay because while you all are out there talking about her hair, she is going to be walking straight to the bank to deposit another check.  With that being said, keep doing you Gabby and just know that we tilt our hat to you for winning that GOLD and brining it home. Good Job!!!!

Monday, July 23, 2012


This video is so important for Raleigh, NC. I mean this movement for Al Chauncy is so serious because Raleigh hasn't had a huge break through like this in a long time.  Al Chauncy is a unique fresh sound and he is embarking on making his genere " Hip Hop Soul" mainstream.  To be honest he is like the rap version of Ronald Isley with smooth vocals, hard hitting lyrics and most importantly a strong stage presence that captures crowds and never lets go. I first met the artist known as Al Chauncy way back in 2009 and even then he was a force that couldn't be denied.  He has always been a humble entertainer by engaging his crowd and always taking the time out to thank the show comers for coming out to see him perform.  Everything that I know about the music industry and entertainemnt, I learned from him.  He is a singer, rapper, songwriter and an all around entertainer.  So Al, if you are reading this blog just know that me personally as your friend/brother is very proud of you.  I can not wait to see where this journey takes you , because I know for a fact that you will rise to the top.  Below I have placed his new video " All About Me".  The song is a certified show stopper that will bang in any club , stereo and any house party.  Yall enjoy and tilt your hats because the King of Hip Hop Soul has arrived and his name is....AL CHAUNCY

Friday, July 20, 2012


This video is about my adventure with Pops when we went to the liquor store tonight.  I was so inspired by the foolishness that I had to post a video on it.  This is my Roundtable Thought ...Liquor and Niggas!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012


Real RnB is at an all time standstill and is in need of saving.  By no means am I saying that the artist K. Michelle is the answer , but honestly she is a step in that direction.  K. Michelle dropped her current mixtape " 0 Fucks Given".  Now first off this mixtape is just what her lane is and that is Rhythm and Streets.  She brings soul and hood vibes and rolls it up into a certified masterpiece.  Standout hits on this mixtape are her remix of " Amen " and " Melody".  Her soul side comes through on songs like " Ghost", " Bury My Heart".  Some will say that she is he next Keyshia Cole, but I will say that she is the next K. Michelle.  Sure there are similarities but one can sing and the other just screams.( hint: Keyshia)  If you have not purchased this mixtape I highly reccomend that you check it out on  I promise that you will not be disappointed.

Here are some links to help yall out ,

Also make sure yall check her out on VH1- LOVE AND HIP HOP ATLANTA

Monday, June 25, 2012


Now don't yall be mad at me but I missed the day of his anniversary.  I can't believe that it has actually been three years since the king of pop has passed.  It is really sad and Im sure that I am not the only one that knows that music has not been the same since he has been gone.  I wanted to pick a song in honor of his memory , but all of his songs are so great that I just can't pick one.  I mean it's kinda like Lays chips, you can't just eat one.  Mike is a classic and his leagacy will live forever.  R.I.P Michael Jackson .... there will never be another like you .

Okay, Okay what kind of blogger would I be if I didn't post at least one video.  Here is one of my all time favorites from the King Of Pop

" Remember the Time


Now I know that you saw the episode of our beloved Love and Hip Hop ATLANTA.  First off I have to give it up to Mimi about hitting Stevie J in his pockets by getting him to give her 20% of his company.  To me that was a Boss Bitch move so kudos to you boo. I mean she actually deserves more than that lousy 20 , but he you get what you negotiate.  Joseline , my poor Joseline now I know that she is coming up in the game , but with this new news that she displayed last night it is safe to say that she will not be coming out anytime soon.  She should've known that Stevie was going to throw some shade about her having that damn kid. I mean what did she think was going to happen? Like Stevie was going to leave his baby momma for groupie ass.  Lil Scrappy yet again is still going through this entertainment business. Scrappy was what Meek Mill is today during his time when he was on top of his game.  I hope the show goes deeper into what happened to his career.  The last I heard was he was signed to G-Unit/Lil Jon deal.  Which means that if Im thinking this right that they both had shares in his career and that kind of deal sounds like it sucks.  Rahsheeda was prepping for her upcoming project.  I hope she blows and gets into this game quick and in a hurry. I mean I love Nicki to live, but how much more Starships do we have to hear before the real comes back?  Rasheeda is real and from the looks of it , doesn't seem to have any plastic surgery.  She is a mother and wife and she seems humble as well. Plus I know that Sheeda can rap her ass off and represent for the south like it needs to be.  My overall review of LNHHA is that Stevie J needs to get his clocked rock.( from the previews for next Monday , that may happen) Rasheeda needs a deal( Im saying this because she has that it factor ) Mimi should have asked for more , but I hopes she learns something by getting into this business and not just to spy on that no good ass nigga of hers. Im not hatin, Im just statin!!!!

Friday, June 22, 2012


 Todays ROUNDTABLE THOUGHT is about " Thats FUCK UP" . I just wanted to through somethings  that I think that are FUCKED UP!!!!LOL

Monday, June 18, 2012


So tonight was the premire of season 2 of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta.  Yall know what it was last season and Chrissy said she wasnt going to do the next season , so the creators took their asses down to the south to start all over.  After seeing this premire , I don't really know ow I feel about it.  First off I don't know none of these chicks except of Rasheeda.  I love Rasheeda because she is so down south and her swagger is on 2 million.  She hasn't broken into the game mainstream yet but Im sure it is coming.  MiMi is the baby mother/girl friend of the producer Stevie J.  Stevie J , If you don't know used to be Eve's boyfriend back in the day. Now the show is following thier relationship.  It looks like Stevie is up to his no good ass tricks again. They been together for 15 years and he brought her a big ass house in the middle of nowhere while his ass is still in the city.  I know once they showed that part , that all of the females was like #BOYBYE. Shit I can't front I was like that too. And did anyone even notice that Stevie is ugly ass hell. I mean come on what makes this nigga  " that guy" besides his money.  He is working with this new artist named Joseline.  She looks like a broke down Rihanna if you ask me.  The previewed her track on the show and it sounded like it sucked big time.  Sure shes cute and all but does she have that it factor? I think she is just a studio hoe.  Lil Scrappy baby mother Erica is on the show and she has been with him for awhile.  I was shocked to learn that he was smashing his artist Diamond( from Crime Mob) I guess Diamond doesnt hold that much weight because I clearly didn't see that one coming.  Erica is staying with Scrappy even though he has cheated but she said that she really isn't in the relationship.  Now if you aren't in the realtionship why bother boo? If you done you done Period.  I loved Scrappy's mom with her pimping ass. She kinda reminded me of Jim Jones mother , but she seems like the real deal.  I loved her comment about how she wanted to put the rapper Diamond out on the track  and how she wanted to come out of retirement  from her days as being a pimp. K.Michelle has a great voice. Again I have never heard of her , but she says that she has been in the game for awhile now.   She sounds  Keyshia Cole needs to be . LOL. And last but not least is Karlie. Karlie is married to L.A. Reid's son and she is an aspiring rapper/singer.  I loved her freestyle in her native language. I didn't understand a damn thing she was saying but that shit was tight.  With the second season under the way I don't know what to expect.  The first show seemed so messy due to the fact that Mimi and Stevie aired out their dirty laundry with him trying to sleep with his artist.  ATTENTION STEVIE: YALL FUCKING AND WE KNOW THAT SHE WILL NEVER GET A DEAL BECAUSE SHE IS THE SIDE ORDER.  I know that this show is going to show case more drama and I look forward to seeing this bull shit. LOL. I mean lets be real isn't that what reality television is for anyways?

Sunday, June 17, 2012


So today is Fathers Day and I wanted to shed some light on the overlooked holiday.  I dont know what it is but the Father's don't get that much love like the Mothers do.  I get that the Mothers bare the children and get us here, but the fathers are just important. There is a saying that it takes two and with that being said we should show some love to the Fathers as well. Like if it wasnt for them we wouldn't be here today.  In my case I would like to say happy fathers day to my mom because she had to take over both responsibilities.  If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here today.  I could'vew been in those streets, but my mother chose to use a firm hand to keep me in line and each day I appreciate that to the fullest.  Each Father's day I always call her to say HAPPY FATHER'S DAY even though she isn't a man.  Shout out to the father figure that has taught me so much in this life of mine and that goes out to Pops.  He is a true inspiration on who I want to be when I grow up.  He is the epitome on how a male should hold down the fort and take care of home.  He is not only my business partner but he is my self proclaimed FATHER. So Pops , Happy Fathers Day.  I am so blessed to have you in my life and I strive to be just like you one day when I grow up. Okay enough with the mushy mushy , All the fathers please enjoy your day.  Cherish your families and know that you are needed in your families as well. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012


 Sometimes it is best to leave bad situations alone and to never bring them up EVER again.  In this case Queens native, Nas was silent about his planned lyching of Jay-Z in 2002 at HOT97 SUMMER JAM concert.  Yall remember how Nas was on a killing spree back when him and Jay was beefing back in the day.  Back then Nas wanted to dead Jay on the rap scene and planned the ultimate disrespect by staging a lynching of the king mc.  Can you imagaine the repercussions that would have went down if Nas succeeded in that? I think that it would have been a repeat of Biggie and Pac for sure.  Now we are in 2012 and the two hip hop stars are at peace and the media is bringing up old shit.  Nas was reported by MTV saying that :

"I really don't even want to acknowledge it," Nas told MTV News on Tuesday. "Everybody's in a different place. I don't even want to acknowledge it. I can't acknowledge that. Jay's my man, and that's that, that's all I'm gonna say." (MTV)

The sick part is that the muthafuckas that brought this back to life actually showed a video on how they were going to complete the task.  Anybody that knows me know that I am a huge fan of Jay-Z and seeing this put me in a funk.  I am glad that Nas didn't follow through with this shit, and to the stupid people that decided to do this should be put out of business. Okay!!! Riiight

I posted a video of the process , what do yall think?


Fuck Kelis saying that her Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, it looks like Rihanna's Birthday Cake is making the boys Throw Dem Blows. Hmmmm! Reports are saying that Chris Brown and Drake got into a brawl at the MMG listening party over the pop princess. Everybody knows that since Brown put his hands on RiRi , she hasnt been the same. The princess has been linked to many superstars including Drake sensitive ass. We have all heard him proclaiming his love for her and I guess now Breezy has had enough hince the altercation.  Both stars were reported slightly bruised after the altercation.  All I want to know is why? Whats the cake that good? and best importantly Who Won that shit?  LOL. I'm not hating , I'm just statin. Word to Breezy and Drake , why fight over some na na that you both don't have. Stick to making some music and leave the industry jump off alone. On another note , you gotta give RiRi some cool points for making them fight over her. I havent heard another superstar having industry niggas throw blows over her. LOL. RIGHT!!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


So last night was the night that everyone with a beating heart was waiting for and that was the premire of TRUE BLOOD SEASON 5!!! I am so excited because within that one hour I was at the edge of my seat with excitment.  The season as usual picked up where the previous season has left off.  In season 5 we find that Sookie ( aka the HOE fairy) is finally cutting ties from both Bill Compton and Eric. I doubt that it will last long due to the fact that she loves being sexed by dead men. Now if she was a smart bitch she would try and make something work with the werewolf shifter Alseid. I'm not hating, I'm just statin!!!! Heartbroken , Bill and Eric go about their merry way to try and get over Sookie and lands in trouble after killing one of their own.   Jason Stackhouse ( Sookies fine ass brother) open the door yet again naked to the pastor that almost got him killed in season 2.  The pastor was turned into a vampire and he pays Jason a visit with a secret.  Turns out that the pastor is gay.  Honestly I didn't see that one coming.  Jessica is older and wiser and sexing Jason when night falls.  The highlight of the whole shit was about Sookies best friend Tara.  Tara had got shot at the end of Season 4 and I was really heartbroken.  She was really trying to turn her life around , only to take a bullet for Sookie.  Sookie then comes up with the bright idea to make Tara a vampire. Stupid if you ask me because Tara was a mean ass bitch.  Now just picture her an even more angry bitch but this time shes a vampire.  Hmmmm alot of killing.  Lafeyette is still in mourning after the loss of his boyfriend Jesus.  Shiit I would be messed up to if I stabbed my partner while I was possed.  There was so much more that I could write all day.  The point is thatf True Blood didn't fail on this premire and I know that it will be more fire to come.  I was never a vampire or even scary movie watcher , but this show is now one of my favorites. I have already invested in seasons 1-3 and im plottin on season 4.  If you haven't gotten bitten by True Blood I suggest that you offer your neck and give a taste. Hmmmm RIGHT!!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Pop Icon Janet Jackson is set to film a documentary on the lives of Transgender people entitled " TRUTH "!!!  The documentary will follow Transgender people so that the viewer can walk a mile in their shoes and how they deal with day to day life.  If you know Janet, then you know that she is a person that is all about love and equality.  I wish more stars were like her and stepped to the forefront to show how other people live.  The ducumentary will shed this light in hopes that people will get a better understanding and to hopefully end some hate in this world.  I love the fact that Janet is doing this and I hope that this documentary opens more eyes in this fucked up world.  The release date has yet to be given but my ears will be to the street on this one.  Word to Janet: Thank you so much for attempting to make this world a better place. 


Whats up World. Todays Roundtable thought is about YOU and ONLY YOU!!! I want to know what is on your mind and what you want from the Roundtable. Thank you so much for the hits on my page . I love yall. Keep em coming and let me know what you want to read about. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Do yall remember Raz B of the pop group B2K? Well it looks the the former bandmate is having yet another break down and this time he is calling out other RnB singers claiming that they are gay. If you remember, last year RB went on a rant saying that him and his other bandmates were sexual molested by their former manager Chris Stokes.  The other band mates have said on numerous accounts that they have never in any shape or form been molested by anyone at all.  Raz then went to Youtube to where he was calling Omarion and Marques Houston and trying to get them to confess that they were indeed molested.  This time he is saying that Chris Brown, Bow Wow and even Ray J are gay. HUH!!! I have pretty good gaydar and my radar has never went off when it came to these men.  I think that Raz B has lost his damn mind and that the brother really needs some help.  In my opinion he is just losing ground because he is no longer a star. I mean cmon why else would he make these accusations, unless he secretley wants to sleep with some of these men himself.  Even though his bandmates are saying that he is indeed out of his mind, Raz is going to release a tell all book. WOW.... I didn't see that coming.  I can't lie though , I am going to check it out whenever it drops though. Shiiit I love crazy muthafuckas like this. LOL 

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Seems like the heat on whether Queen Latifah is gay or not has died down....FOR NOW. It all started when The Queen hosted a Gay and Lesbian event and the media had a freenzy when the Queen announced " I Love being around My People".  Now just because she said my people doesn't actually mean that she is gay.  For years the media has been trying to out Latifah and for what?  What are you gaining if she is or isnt gay? Queen later cleared up the rumor by saying that she isn't gay and that the first show that she ever performed at was at a gay event.  To me it just seemed that she was giving back to the people that showed her love during her come up.  I really don't care if she is or isn't because he has made great albums,movies and has built a nice career for herself. Word to the press get off her shit and talk about someone else I mean really.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Today I was watching the Food Network Channel and I was tunning into the show entitled Resturant Impossible.  This show is about how run down resturants have trouble revamping their business and the host comes and upgrades the business to where it needs to be.  This segment of the show was about a rib shack. Now if you know me then you know that I am a lover of the beautiful rib meat.  On this video I discuss how I cook my ribs and how I dont boil mine.  LOL This video is hilarious.  BEWARE!!!!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Close your mouth and stop drooling on your keyboards.  The movie that many have been waiting for is coming really soon and clothes will be shed hunty.  Magic Mike stars Matthew Mcconaughey , Channing Tatum, Mark Bomer, Joe Manganiello.  The story is about a male stripper (Tatum) and how he is dealing with his life as a dancer and how he wants to get out of the game.  The movie is supposed to be funny and sexxy.  Hmmmm well it seems that they have the sexy part down for sure.  If you watched Joe on True Blood you already know what he brings to the table.  Channing is going to dance his ass off.  Matthew Mcconaughey is going to look hot as always.  Im not that familiar with Mark Bomer so I did some reasearch on him.  Mark is an openly gay actor who is the star of the hit show White Collar.  I wonder how he really felt being so close the the rest of the hotties on stage. Hmmmm, okay.LOL. It was also reported that before Channing got his deal as an actor, he was indeed a male stripper.  Tatum says that Magic Mike is not an auto bio picture, but thre are some comparisons of his former lifestyle. I always wondered how he moved so good during Step Up.LOL.  Needless to say when I go and check this out ,  I will be going for the eye candy , but hopefully the movie will be deeper than that.  So ladies and gents if you want to see some hot eye candy hit your theaters on June 29.  Check the trailer below.


So it seems that the Queen B is back and ready to take the world by force yet again.  This weekend Beyonce planned a two week preparation to open the Revel Casino Hotel with a series of 4 performances.  When I first heard this I was thinking , wait didn't she have a baby?  I know most mothers that have kids usually take breaks with no thoughts of making a return.  Not Beyonce though.  Shes going back in hard and I must say that maybe this is a good thing.  The ladies of the RnB aren't putting in that much work these days so Im thinking that Beyonce taking notes from her hubby to keep going hard in the game until the wheels fall off.  Shit Jay and B are going to be performing at the ages of 95 if they keep this rate up.  Welcome back Beyonce because the game needs you.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Im just going to totally be honest and say that I wasn't going to write a blog today, but when I read this article I had to put my two cents in. With Barack Obama supporting gay marriages another unlikely voice is speaking out in support and that voice comes from the King Of Hip- Hop himself, Jay-Z.  When I first read the article I had to do a double take because I couldn't believe it at first. I mean come on , a Marcy General supporting gay marriage? With that being said I read on and I actually agree with Hova because this whole trying to ban same sex marriages is discrimination . Look what Jay had to say below.....

It's no different than discriminating against blacks. It's discrimination plain and simple...I think [announcing support of gay marriage is] the right thing to do, so whether it costs [Obama] votes or not — again, it's not about votes. It's about people. It's the right thing to do as a human being.

This is sooooo HUGE!!!!! people. How many rappers you know will come out and say that they support a cause like this and still remain relevant in this game? Not many , and to be honest all it takes is just one person to speak out and the rest will follow. I just hope that the world in general can rise above the bullshit and realize that trying to tell someone who they can and can not love is harmful and is only going to hold us back from furthering our future. There are more issues in the world that needs to be dealt with rather than worrying about who is sleeping with who. I'm just glad that it was my favorite rapper of all time to take the first stand. I guess the question now is , who will be next?

To watch the video of the Jay-z click below

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Usually on My Roundtable thought I would use this time to talk about upcoming events, but this time something is weighing heavy on my heart that just had to be talked about.  Today was the vote for AMENDMENT ONE.  If you have been living under a rock, you would know that they are trying to ban same sex marriages from happening in our state of North Carolina.  The end result was that they have cast their votes and the public has declared that they do in fact want to ban same sex marriages.  I feel that the people of this state has made a grave mistake because, the people that voted FOR amendmant one think that they are safe.  They think that their so called sacred marriage is safe.  I hate to bust yalls bubble, but you are not safe because the goverment is going to just continue to add more discrimination to the constitution.  The people that voted FOR are uneducated because this amendment affects all people.  That includes domestic partnerships and legal unions.  This means that unmarried couples will have no rights.  If you have kids and you are not married,  there is a chance that your rights for seeing your child could be out of the window.  If you are in a will of some sort, there is another chance that you will not be recognized if you were never married to that person.  This boils me because I feel that this shit is not cool and I wish that people would have gotten over the whole same sex marriage.  Who gives a fuck if we want to marry each other?  Why is it such a big issue? The truth is that there isn't one.  How can marriage be so sacred , when everytime that you turn around there is a divorce because the situation didn't work out?  I hope that they put in the constitution that you can no longer get a divorce.  How would you feel if that happened to you and you were in a dying marriage?  You would probally feel trapped.  I want you to feel that pain.  Feel that sense of having nowhere to go, because it is in the law that you can't get divorced.  Another thing is the whole not having responsibility of taking care of their kids because they are unmarried.  I'm sure there are alot of baby daddies out there that are loving the fact that since they were not married, that they can now keep their money in their pocket and walk away.  To all the baby mothers out there that are not married, how does this make you feel that there may be a chance that you will be raising this child alone with no assistance?  Sucks huh? Well for those that voted FOR , you got what you wanted. EAT THAT SHIT!!!  There is so much more to this amendment that I could type foever, but I won't.    Don't come crying to me because your marriage is suffering, or you didn't get your check, or you were left out of the will.  I don't want to hear it.  I have no sympathy for you , so please keep it moving.  FUCK WHY DOES THIS STATE HAVE TO BE SUCH IDIOTS?????.  I have never felt more unwanted in my life.  There is no chance that I will ever be married due to some uneducated muthafuckers.  With that being said I will not pour anymore energy into this things because it is what it is.  You wanted discrimination on the ballot to win and you got it. One day people will stand on whats right and run as fast as they can from anything that is discrimination.  I have lost my faith in people more so now than ever.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Yesterday Beastie Boys founder/memeber Adam Yauch, died yesterday at the age of 47 from cancer.  It was diagnosed with a tumor in his salivary gland and lymph node.  It was said that he has been battling cancer for at least 3years.  The hip hop game has lost another legend and he will be missed , because there is no group like the Beastie Boys. May he rest in peace.

Monday, April 30, 2012


So it seems that the Mob Wife known as Drita Davanzo is kicking rhymes now.  I know what you are thinking , like WTF. Last night I was surfing on the net and I came upon this story envolving my favorite mob wife.  Drita is set to star in the rapper French Montana's video entitled " Everything Is A Go" video.  With this video under her belt she now has her eye set on rap.  Drita was quoted saying that she has always been a fan of music, and with her being from New York why wouldn't she catch the rap bug.  I mean honestly she already knocks bitches out, why not knock out rap bitches as well?  Here is a video of her rapping to Notorious B.I.G.'s " Warning". I have to say that her delivery was on point, even if the song is not hers.  And with that being said, it's not that many females that are rapping these days so we might as well entertain the thought of out favorite Knock Out Queen spit some bars.  Check the video out and tell me what you think

Thursday, April 26, 2012


How many of you are still down with Brandy?  Well B Rock is back with another banger called " Put It Down" featuring Chris Brown.  Looks like Brandy is channeling her alter ego " BrandNu" with the sound that she is potraying on this new record.  Listening to this makes me think that she is taking us back to that second album " Never Say Never".  I love Brandy's voice on this record.  She even spits a couple of bars. Chris Brown goes in rapping again.  Now I'm just going to jump out the window when I say this, but I think Chris Brown maybe the next Big Daddy Kane. I mean come on he raps and dance. Hmmmm  just a thought.  But seriously listen to the new joint.  She's back homie!!!!!

Oh and if yall thought I was bullshitting , Brandy goes in on the rapping too. Look out Nicki Minaj. Brandy don't do autotune hunty.LOL

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Today the queen of literature Tracy Brown returns with her second installment White Lines 2: Sunny.  I am truly excited about this coming because I already know that it is going to be a classic.  If you do not know who Tracy Brown is then I highly suggest that you get familiar.  Tracy paints perfect pictures that are so vivid that you will think that you actually lived hit.  If you haven't read the first one do yourself a favor and check it out. I promise you will be mesmerized!/mstracybrown


Here's my ROUNDTABLE thought. Im just sitting here thinking about the up coming events and I wanted to share with you all.  Once again thank you so much for checking on my page.  Continue to give me some feedback on how I can make the site bigger for you .

One Love

Monday, April 23, 2012


Sources are saying that the self proclaimed Queen of Rap is thinking about retiring after weak reviews of her second album Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded.  Now if you are like me, then you are probally thinking that she is doing all of this shit just to increase her album sales. I mean all press is good press right?   First she deleted her Twitter account because her music was leaked out, then she threatens to leave the rap game all together.  Lets be real Nicki you've been left the hip hop game when you started to drop those pop hits.  No shade but come on mama why are you crying? You still winning, you're just not like you used to be and that is okay.  You want to get that money so you are channeling your pop side to get those fans that are actually going to buy your album rather than download.  I don't see anything wrong with your album , because you are doing something instead of watching another female rapper go in . Chalk that shit up and laugh all the way to the bank.  As far as your Twitter account , I don't know why you did that but then again me and Twitter don't politic like that for me to be involved.   So with that being said this to will pass and she will remain in the game.  But the question that some are maybe asking themselves is , if she leaves will she actually be missed?

Thursday, April 19, 2012


The drama doesnt stop with this group of ladies from the RHOA.  Tonight I watched the part two of the reunion and I must say that it went just as I expected that it will go and that is full of drama.  The reunion brought back the husbands of Phaedra, Kim and Cynthia.  I think that Peter gets a bad rap for being an asshole to Cynthias sister.  First off her sister in my opinion wants Peter for herself. I mean come one , if you watched the show you could see that she was shedding tears of hate/love for this guy.  I just think that Peter is a honest guy and that to some people comes off as being ignorant. I respect his hustle because he came from nothing and is making his way like everyone else.  Apollo to me is just there.  No shade but Phaedra runs that whole situation.  Knowing Mrs. Ettique she probally wrote his damn answers to the questions.  One thing that I wished that they talked about was how Kroy felt when Apollo and Peter was acting like assholes at the baby shower.  Its so clear that the football player was pissed as all get out.  The issue with the racist issue came back in the air about Kim not going to Africa and how she wouldn't hold black babies.  Now Sharee looked dumb ass hell when the reunion showed how she clearly fucked up what Kandi didn't say.  Then she wants to look good by apologizing for messing things up.  Word to you Sharee I think that it is best if you don't talk or say anything in the near future.  You should probally stick to how the hell you going to pay for that Neverland( as Nene stated on part 1) .  The show reached a high point when the two Gold Diggers of the show Kim and Marlo exchanged words.  Now when Marlo went in on how Kim and her are cut from the same cloth then took it back saying that Kim was a whore, I had to pause.  Okay first off both of you are sack and money chasers.  The only difference now is that Kim has found love and you still getting rich dudes to pay your way through life.  I felt that Kim shouldn't have entertained Marlos foolishness.  Now when Marlo pulled a Sharee card and talked about Kim's kids , I wished Kim would have slapped the shit out of her.  I don't believe that Kim is your average white girl ( then again she didn't do much when Nene and Sharee stepped to her) but still.  Kids shouldn't even be in the discussions period.  Overall it was another episode of drama with no sight of anyone reconnecting to be friends. Stay tuned.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Now is it me or does Rihanna's song " We Found Love" comes to mind when you think of these two possible being together?  No shade but really again Kim?  I honestly don't think that she is actually looking for love but instead wants to stay in the limelight.  Now I know that I'm not the only one America feeling this way.  First it was Ray J when she made that infamous video, then it was Reggie Bush when she was saying that she hopes to get married after the Super Bowl through her tweets,  then it was Kris Humphreys.  Pause.  Im not the biggest sports man but I have never heard of the guy until Kim was messing with him.  And that fake ass wedding come on Kim we all know you did that for the check!!! Gurrrl Bye.  I mean how many mens lives do you plan on messing up all because you want to remain relevant Kim?  If you don't know by now,  Kim is the ultimate hustler.  I can't hate because mama knows how to get a dollar  Kim wears many hats from clothing to perfume to that lame excuse of reality shows and even books.  Can't hate on her for that.  I will say however it seems like theres nothing more than that to her.  I mean come on your claim to fame was a sex tape boo boo. Sure your dad had money, but no one was checking for you that hard until that tape.  Now Mr. West ( Kanye ) is going to be added to her long list of adventures for playing with mens hearts.  We all know how Ye cracks under pressure or when he feels like he is wrong. Word to Kim , if you are going to dump him just make sure that you aren't accepting any awards and make sure to leave him off that list.  Looks like if this does happen there will be another 808 Damn I Was played album by Kanye in the near future. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Now if you are like me on Sundays , I'm sure that you caught the first part of the RHOA on Bravo last night. I must say that even though many will say that this show is stupid , you have to admit that the shit is entertaining.  Everyone wants to see who is going to fight, play nice or say some of the craziest shit that the world has ever heard.  First things first the cast was divided with the smalls on the right and the talls on the left.  The smalls include Phadera Parks, Kim Zodiak and Sharee Whitfeild.  Kandi Burress ( formerly of my favorite RNB group Xscape) is also a small but she clearly got the short end of the stick by having to sit with the talls.  The talls include Nene Leakes and Cynthia Bailey.  The show started off as everyone talking about their life on the show , but it soon turned into what everyone came to see in the first place and that is drama.  Nene was the ring leader of the shots fired because she seemed to have a word for everyone on the damn panel.  One thing that really got me about Nene is the fact that she gloats so hard about her bank status with saying that she is RICH BITCH!!! Mmmmm right. Yea I'm not that convinced. I don't want to sound like a hater but from where boo boo?  Sure you were on the Donald Trump show and you starred in a couple of sitcoms , but yets be real America she has a sponser.  That one white  guy that keeps buying here gifts is the one that is carrying this chick.  This is my opinion.  Sharee was hitting below the belt as usual and playing the victim card about how Phaedra didn't properly handle her case for child support.  Now I watched the show when she tried to retain Phae and I don't see how Phaedra did her wrong.  You kinda paid her late Sharee , and Phaedra won't move until she get her money and I get that. Shit I wouldn't move either if I didn't have my money in my hand.  One thing that I didn't like about the Sharee part is her shots at Nenes  parenting skills on how her son was caught stealing in Walmart.  Now Nene son is stupid as fuck , but from parent to parent he shouldn't have been brought into the conflict between Nene and Sharee.  In my opinion I feel that Sharee is barely making it above water.  Like what do you do for a living boo?  Its almost like she needs this show to survive. Cmon you are building a fucking mansion yet you are stressing over child support money.  Seems to me that you don't need it that much.  Cynthia is.....a none muthaf..... factor.  She is a follower and seems to have no direction.  On the reuinon she continued to do  her favorite thing and that is to play both sides.  She just seems to not have a back bone and that is sad.  I was truly happy for Kim and Kandi.  They seemed to be less drama orientated  than the rest.  Kandi talked about her new bedroom candy.  I hated that Nene had to hate on Kandi because she doesn't want to know about sex toys.  Like Kandi said , you did use to be a stripper so why act holier than thou mama ?  Everyone knows you still a freak so why try to play nice in front of the camera?  Kim is still Kim.  This season seemed to be less of her because of the baby and her new husband.  Shit if I was you Kim , I would just stick with my family and enjoy myself.  I wouldn't sit on television and have yelling matches with the likes of chicks like Nene.    In closing I felt that the part one of the reunion was just the tip of the ice berg with more bullshit to follow.  I'm sure that Nene will have more hate and more things to brag about , so yall stay tuned for this HAM of a show.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Return Of Nicki Minaj with ....Pink Friday : Roman Reloaded.

As many of you know the self proclaimed Queen of Rap Nicki Minaj finally released her sophmore album " Pink Friday : Roman Reloaded.  This album is so unlike any album from her counter parts.  The first single " Starships" was a direct hit to the pop stations to lure her listeners in to her world.  I must say that I am feeling her strategy because she is not limiting herself just to one category. She is going where the money is.  On this album she explores some singing and well as taking it back to her roots with tracks such as " Champion, Beez In The Trap and Roman's Holiday. I was on the fence with this album at first because I wasn't sure of what direction she was going in and to be honest there isn't one.  The whole album is full of singles and that could work or not work in her favor.  Starships was the door opener for this album , but the following hits " Automatic " , "Whip It" and " Marilyn Monroe will definietly follow straight to the pop charts.  If you are looking for an album full of talk about sucking, sexing and etc then Pink Friday isn't for you.  This albums tone is like an adventure in  Candy Land , just full of animation.  I wouldn't go as far as to say that she set the bar high for her other peers but she is definetly in her own lane.  Many would say that Nicki has forgotten about her days as the On The Come Up status but I beg to differ.  I think that she is setting her own lane and I also believe that the comparisons of her and Lil Kim are so far gone.  On one had you can still tell that Nicki is so bitter at Kim with songs like " Stupid Hoe " and " Romans Holiday " , but she continues to deliever a pretty good album.  I honestly feel that she didn't let anyone down with this album , but she is definetly adavancing and that is a good thing.  On the album her collaborated with Chris Brown, Drake, Rick Ross, Nas, Young Jeezy and last but not least Camron.  I could have done without Camron on the album but hey I guess he needs a boost as well.  The production on the album is crazy and full of energy.  Hard hitting beats for the hard records ( which there are only 4) and then the smoothe records beats are awesome as well.  I can say that I like this album because it is caterting to all audiences. So I will have to give it 4 and a half stars.  Kuddos to Nicki for making an international record.  


Sorry that it has taken me so long to get back to you but I have been on a mission to get my blog ready for bigger and better things. I took a break because I wanted to find my lane and that lane is purely entertainment of all things.  They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I see beauty in anything that is entertainment.  If you think about it what would the world be like if we had no entertainment of any sort? No music? No shows or anything?  I just want to shed light on this because music and entertainment does make the world go around.  I want to focus on entertainment, local artist, impersonations and illusionist and even local business that I feel are entertaining.  As we speak I am currently in the process of trying to get my own URL so that this blog can be bigger and badder for you , so continue to stop by and see what is on my mind.  Once again I am sorry for leaving you .  For those that do comeby to check your boy , I would like to say thank you .  And for those that dont know what JONOSROUNDTABLE is , click the link and see what I 'm about . With that being said Imma bounce. HOLLA!!!!!

Rhianna...Okay I'm Awake Now

Okay Im going to be the first to say that I have been doing some major sleeping on the princess of Pop , Rhianna. Now when she first came out I was rocking hard with the first album " Music of the Sun" with songs like " Pon De  Replay " and " If it's loving that you want". I was thinking that maybe she is a one hit wonder , but to my surprise she just kept coming with hits. Her second album " A Girl Like Me" ,  I didn't pay that much attention even though the first single" SOS" was cute but it didn't make me want to invest to much energy. However, When " Good Girl Gone Bad" was released my eyes cracked open like wait a minute is this the same girl. That whole album was taylor made with hits that just kept going and going like the energizer bunny. Hits Like " Please Don't Stop The Music" , Umbrella", and " Hate That I Love You" just had the clubs on smash. Her third album " Rated R " sadly ,  was overshadowed by her and Chris Brown public fight. From what I gathered before actually hearing the album is that it is very dark. The first single " Russian Roulette" was talking about playing games with a gun. REALLY ....Ahh next , so I moved on from Rhianna. I felt at this particular time that she lost it. The fourth album " Loud" was fully of energy for the clubs. Every record on this album was so full of life and dance.  Songs such as " Only Girl In The World", " Raining Men feauturing Nicki Minaj were joints that made working out so much easier.  The production on this work was amazing.  But now RiRi has set the bar high with her latest effort " Talk That Talk".  I love this album so much and it made me a renewed fan for life now. I can honestly say that I am awake.  The energy is there and the club hits are so intact that you can not help but to dance in your car.  Her first single was " We Found Love" and this record set the standard of how the album would play out.  If you are a Rihanna fan then you will truly appreciate this album.  So go out and support your girl.